1.2 Versioning
This Standard was first published on December 16 2024.
This document will be updated on an ongoing basis to reflect changes in the operation, governance and/or rules that apply to either Projects on, or activity described by, the Registry.
Any proposed material changes to the Standard will be put forward for review by independent experts. Following any amendments resulting from that process, the draft changes will be put out for public comment. After having incorporated any further amendments, the final changes will be published in an updated version of the Standard, alongside a clear explanation of the stakeholder input received and how this informed the final changes that were made.
Version numbers are updated according to standard Semantic Versioning practice, where three positive integers A.B.C denote the version of the Standard.
Major (Integer A) - Updated when the Standard has undergone a significant change that may have impacts on Project eligibility, Verification practices or Credit issuance
Minor (Integer B) - Updated when non-critical information has been added to, or removed from, the Standard – for example optional guidance
Patch (Integer C) - Updated when non-material changes have been made – for example phrasing or reference changes
A full change-log, along with all previously published versions and their dates of publication, is publicly available on the NCS website.
Last updated