2.1 Methodology Certification Process

All projects must be validated against an NCS-certified methodology and the corresponding mitigation outcomes (removal, avoidance, reduction) must be verified against the methodology.

An NCS-certified methodology

  • has been developed either by NCS, partners contracted by NCS or third-parties,

  • is independently validated against ISO 14064-2:2019,

  • fulfils all NCS requirements,

  • has undergone a public consultation and

  • is listed as certified in the NCS registry.

NCS will provide feedback to new methodologies at any stage. For example, a concept note may be submitted for review before full development of a methodology is initiated.

Methodologies already in use may also be submitted. Once certified, projects that use the methodology can transition into NCS via the grandfathering process (2.6).

NCS reserves the right to reject any methodology at its sole discretion, such as when a reputational risk is perceived.

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