3.3 Eligibility

Projects are only eligible to generate credits for activities that are exclusively registered with the NCS registry. Projects are only eligible to receive credits on the NCS registry using an NCS certified methodology.

NCS or the appointed VVB may issue clarification requests (CR), corrective action requests (CAR) or forward action requests (FAR) to the project proponent during the validation process. Any such requests must be addressed by the project proponent during the validation process. A summary of the comments received will be published once project validation is complete.

A stakeholder input process may be required, as set out in section 3.5.

At the time of project application, projects must use the latest available version of a certified methodology, unless a grace period has been explicitly specified by NCS.

Projects which have already been validated may continue to apply the version of the methodology they were validated under until the next revalidation, unless otherwise specified in the updated methodology.

Projects must comply with all relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdiction in which they operate.

Projects must be additional, as defined in the NCS additionality (2.5.5) requirements.

The project proponent is required to notify NCS of any changes to operations that could change the eligibility of their project.

Last updated